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Курт Кобейн Kurt Cobain Nirvana Нирвана Курт Кобейн Kurt Cobain Nirvana
Нирвана Курт Кобейн Kurt Cobain Nirvana Нирвана Курт Кобейн Kurt Cobain
Nirvana Нирвана Курт Кобейн Kurt Cobain Nirvana Нирвана Курт Кобейн

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Nirvana Bleach


If you wouldn't mind I would like to blew
If you wouldn't mind I would like to loose
If you wouldn't care I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe
Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame

If you wouldn't mind I would like to blew
If you wouldn't mind I would like to loose
If you wouldn't care I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind I would like to breathe

Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame

You could do anything


Floyd the Barber

Bell on door ring; 'come on in' (Alt: Hello Cobain - come on in)
Floyd observes my hairy chin
Sit down in [the] chair, don't be afraid
Steamed hot towel on my face

I was shaved
I was shamed
I was shamed

Barney ties me to the chair
I can't see, I'm really scared
Floyd breathes hard, I hear the zip
Pee-Pee pressed against my lips (Alt: Beat me, pressed against my lips)

I was shamed
I was shaved
I was shamed

I sense others in the room
Opie, Aunt Bea, I presume
They take turns, they cut me up (Alt: They take turns to cut me up)
I died smothered in Andy's Clutch (Alt: I died smothered in Aunt Bea's muff)

I was shamed
I was shamed
I was shaved


About a Girl

I need an easy friend
I do ... with an ear to lend
I do ... think you fit this shoe
I do ... won't you have a clue

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night for free
I do

I'm standing in your line
I do ... hope you have the time
I do ... pick a number too
I do ... keep a date with you

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night for free

I need an easy friend
I do ... with an ear to lend
I do ... think you fit this shoe
I do ... won't you have a clue

I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night (x2)
For free
I do ... (x4)



Won't you believe it
It's just my luck

No recess

Won't you believe it
It's just my luck

No recess

You're in high school again

No recess


Love Buzz

Would you believe me when I tell you
You are the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems

Can you feel my love buzz?

Would you believe me when I do you
You are the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems

Can you feel my love buzz?


Paper Cuts

At feeding time
She pushed food through the door
And I crawl towards the crack of light
Sometimes I can't find my way
Newspapers spread around
Soaking all that they can
A cleaning is due again
A good hosing down

The lady whom I feel maternal love for
Cannot look me in the eyes
But I see hers and they are blue
And they cock and twist and masturbate!

I said so (x3)
Nirvana (x6)

Black windows of paint
I scratched with my nails
I see others just like me
Why do they not try to escape?
They bring out the older ones
They point at my way
They come with a flash of light (Alt: They come with flashing lights)
And take my family away

And very later I have learned
To accept some friends of ridicule
My whole existence is for your amusement
And that is why I'm here with you!
To take you with me
You're right

Nirvana (x8)


Negative Creep

This is out of our reach (x3)
and it's grown
This is getting to be (x3)
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm stoned!
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm ... (x2)

Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6)

This is out of our range (x3)
and it's crude
This is getting to be (x3)
like drone
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm stoned!
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm ... (x2)

Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6)

Fuck! Yeah!

Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x14)



In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)

Heal a million, kill a million (x3)


Swap Meet

They lead a lifetime that is comfortable
They travel far to keep their stomachs full
They make their living off of arts and crafts
The kind with seashells, driftwood and burlap
They make a deal when they come to town
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground
She loves him more than he will ever know
He loves her more than he will ever show
-- Keeps his cigarettes close to his heart
-- Keeps her photographs close to her heart
-- Keeps the bitterness close to the heart


Mr. Moustache

Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your mighty wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Show me how you question, question
Lead the way to my temptations
Take my hand and give it cleaning
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Is he in an easychair? (Alt: Easy in an easy chair)
-- Poop as hard as a rock.
I don't like you anyway
-- Seal it in a box

I'm new
Now you

Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your mighty wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Show me how you question, question
Lead the way to my temptations
Take my hand and give it cleaning
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Is he in an easychair? (Alt: Easy in an easy chair)
-- Poop as hard as rock.
I don't like you anyway
-- Seal it in a box

I'm new
Now you



Afraid - to grade
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cross, self loss
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn't it be fun?
Sun felt numb (Alt: Some fear none)
Wouldn't it be fun?

Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Preacher said

"Don't have nothing for you" (x7)

Spell the smell
Wouldn't it be fun?
Search for a church
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cold in coals
Wouldn't it be fun?

Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Preacher said (x2)

"Don't have nothing for you" (x7)

"Don't have nothing for you" (x9)


Big Cheese

Big cheese - make me
Mine says, "Go [to] the office"

Big cheese - make me
Mine says, what to say?

Black is black, no trading back
We were enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?
We were enemies

Big lies - make mine
Mine says "Go [to] the office"

Big cheese - make me
Message? What is it? (Alt: Message? What to say)

Black is black, no trading back
We were enemies
She eats glue, how 'bout you?

Big cheese - make me
Mine says "Go [to] the office"

Big cheese - make me
Message? What is it? (Alt: Message? Wonder lies)

Black is black, no trading back
We were enemies
She eats glue, how 'bout you?

Black is black, no trading back
We were enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?
We were enemies
She eats glue, how 'bout you?
We were enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?



Portray sincerity
Act out of loyalty
Defending your country
Wish away the pain
Hand out lobotomies
To save little families
Surrealistic fantasy
Bad boy, Fight!

Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing

Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words for you to go along and sing your song

Slippery pessimist hypocrite master
Conservative communist apocalyptic bastard
Thank you dear God for putting me on this Earth
I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst!

(Alt: Feeling very frivilous, death in mind. Nurse!)

Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing

Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words for you to go along and sing your song



+6 #1 Ю-ла 27.04.2010 09:54
а я вот несогласна с последними строчками Paper Cuts. Самое интересное, что в разных источниках я не встретила даже двух одинаковых версий этих двух последних строчек. Но по-моему ближе к исине вариант, который цитируется в фильме Благословение или проклятие: To take me in your own Nirvana. Именно это я явственно слышу в песне. Придирка ерундовая конечно, но так эти строки по крайней мере приобретают смысл

Оставлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи.

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