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Старый 27.06.2008, 23:31
Аватара для heroin
heroin heroin вне форума
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Alien Pat. Holman - Way out
La verdad en la heroína
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Старый 29.06.2008, 02:29
Аватара для _46
_46 _46 вне форума
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GG Allin - slaughterhouse deathcamp...
Scumfuck traditional
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Старый 29.06.2008, 14:39
Аватара для Midean
Midean Midean вне форума
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Pixies - Gigantic
We're imitating angels
We're imitating angels
We're imitating angels
And we got a long long way to go
And we got a long long way to go

(The Nymphs)
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Старый 30.06.2008, 01:07
Аватара для Ёгл
Ёгл Ёгл вне форума
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Emp3\Sonic youth\1995b - Screaming Fields Of Sonic Love\11-Death Valley '69.mp3

A compilation of tracks from Sonic Youth's 80s albums, released to coincide w/ DGC's reissues of those albums. Screaming Fields was first released in 1994 as a promo disc w/ a slightly different track list than the main release (including the rather out of place "T-Vox" version of "Doctor's Orders"). There may be additional versions w/ subtle changes in the track list, I'm not sure. If you have information about versions not listed here, please write! UPDATE 10/24/02: Apparently another promo version exists, w/out "Doctor's Orders". It lists the album beneath each song and says Daydream Nation was reissued 11/23/93 and the rest are forthcoming in 1994. This version's catalog # is also PRO-CD-4577, so maybe the "Doctor's Orders" version is a different #... ??
Original '94 version was briefly available thru Sonic Death (though I can't find any record of it in the 7 issues), and was also released in France as a giveaway with issue 54 of Les Inrockuptibles, March '94.
The differences in track lists are small: the promo contains the edits of "Teenage Riot" and "Candle", the later version features the full-length LP versions. "Kissability" is dropped for the commercial version. Whitey track "MacBeth" is replaced with "G-Force" for the latter version. "Flower" and "Brother James" are added to the second version. And of course, the commercial release doesn't feature the T-Vox "Doctor's Orders".
The final version features 3 songs from Daydream Nation, 2 from The Whitey Album, 2 from Sister, 2 from EVOL, 3 from Bad Moon Rising (technically, 1 from Bad Moon Rising and 2 from the Flower/Halloween 12"), 2 from Confusion, 1 from Kill Yr Idols, and 1 from Sonic Youth.
The 1995 version coincided with the release of the "Screaming Fields of Sonic Love" video, which featured all of Sonic Youth's pre-DGC music videos and some additional live performances.
The artwork is simple but effective -- it features the same early sonic sticker reproduced infinitely (check the "Made In USA" liners for a picture of a cassette player in a car decorated with the same sticker). There are 4 pages of early gig posters along with a track listing/credits and 2 pages of mini-blurbs on the 80s albums -- I vividly recall a full-page advertisement in Spin magazine for this compilation, which featured all of these write-ups (I tore it out and put it up in my high school locker at the time). I no longer have the ad but if somebody has a copy they could scan I'd really appreciate it! I believe Green Day were on the cover...
Though featuring one track from the "Sonic Youth" album, which even has a catalog # listed in the liners, the DGC reissue of the self-titled release never happened.
Восприятие мира зависит от размера зрачков...
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Старый 30.06.2008, 03:00
Аватара для ByXlyak
ByXlyak ByXlyak вне форума
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Если любишь группу "КЛЕЙ" -
Выпей баночку соплей!
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Старый 30.06.2008, 04:19
Аватара для _46
_46 _46 вне форума
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Coil - How To Destroy Angels...
Scumfuck traditional
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Старый 29.07.2008, 16:56
Аватара для ByXlyak
ByXlyak ByXlyak вне форума
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Kamelot - When the lights are down
Если любишь группу "КЛЕЙ" -
Выпей баночку соплей!
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Старый 29.07.2008, 17:33
Аватара для ByXlyak
ByXlyak ByXlyak вне форума
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Gamma Ray - Valley of the kings
Если любишь группу "КЛЕЙ" -
Выпей баночку соплей!
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Старый 01.08.2008, 10:37
Аватара для AcciDBurrn
AcciDBurrn AcciDBurrn вне форума
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PJ Harvey - Who the fuck ? кайф
винтовка ето праздник - все летит в пизду !
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Старый 05.08.2008, 18:12
Lotus Lotus вне форума
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Дима Бялан
I'm your number on fan... baaaabyy I'm your number one fan
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